Product Definition
Upclick supports digital goods online type of products, including eBooks, software and memberships. Any type of product that can be integrated through one of the three models can be easily defined and processed by Upclick.
The first section of the merchant account interface is dedicated to the product definition and supports the required attributes for the following:
- Single Product - the basic products, including delivery methods;
- Bundle Products - groups of single products delivered as one entity through Upclick checkout;
- Cross-Sell Offers - additional side-products that will be offered to clients throughout the checkout process;
You have to pass only a few steps in order to define a product in the system:
Under “My Products” section, choose “Products”, then click on the ‘Add Product’ Button.

Figure 1: Add Product Button under 'Manage Products' section
In order to define a product, you have to follow 3 simple steps and save.
Let's view these steps together:
Step1 – Product Definition
Figure 2: Add Product > Step 1 - Product Definition
Make sure to upload a Product Logo. The product logo is mandatory and it will appear in your checkout page, next to your product description and pricing, depending on the template chosen. You can include the Product Logo in different checkout templates by using Tags. For performance and availability reasons Upclick stores this type of content in the cloud.
Tip: Product Logo and other characteristics (Product Type, Category, OS) can be useful for visibility and classification in the Upclick Network.
Your product Name and Description will be displayed on the Checkout page and in the purchase confirmation email.
If you promote in specific markets/languages you may write the description in other languages.
Upclick will show the product name and description, in the languages you define, based on the browser’s detected language. By default, Upclick shows the English information.Notice: The name and description can be overwritten when used in Pricing Models; Pricing Models let you create variations to sell your product and allow you to maintain different descriptions and prices.
It is always a good idea to provide us with as many Product Support Details possible, especially when it will be Upclick that provides customer service for your customers. Provide the Support Email and the Product Support URL in the optional settings;
The Product "Thank You" page description is a nice little section that allows you to display more content related with your product in the ThankYou page and the Purchase Confirmation email next to the deliverable elements ( URL, keys);
The Learn More option allows you to provide additional checkout content for your product. This content will be displayed in a mouseover box placed behind a “Learn More” message. To implement the “Learn More” message you need to include the [LearnMore] tag in your product description.;
The Product SKU is an optional field which allows you to link your own identifiers. These will be reported back in specific reports and in the System Notification Services (Http Post). It is an easy way to link between Upclick and your current Product Management system.
Product SKU is not required for a basic setup. -
The Product Type, Category and Operating System are not mandatory. These are useful when you want to expose your product to other merchants (resellers) who can promote products from Upclick’s network. The products they choose to promote are filtered by types and categories.
Merchant Notes is there to allow you simply store your own administrative notes with your product. This will be displayed only to you in the current product definition page and nowhere else in the system;
Step 2 – Product Price
In The Pricing section you define the Pricing Type and the amount you want to charge for your product. The information you enter for the price in USD will become a reference price for your product (MSRP).
In most of the cases you will probably opt for the flat option, which is a one-time charge for the customer purchase. You also have the option to use recurring and installment prices, which are advanced pricing strategies; A flat price will be charged once on the transaction event. The recurring and installments charges will occur on a recurring basis, as you configure here. Upclick will charge your customers on the renewal dates.
Notice that Upclick supports billing in multiple currencies. When you define prices in USD, they are automatically translated into other currencies using live exchange rates from You have the possibility to manually override the price in each currency. UpClick checkout will display the local currency for all the customers based on their location detected by checkout. If a client’s local currency is not supported in the system, USD is used by default as billing currency, but checkout will show the prices in the local currency, converted based on the daily exchange rate.Tip: You can maintain different pricing and discounts using Pricing Models.
Step 3 – Product Delivery
In this step you choose whether Upclick will deliver the final package to the user or you will deliver it yourself (merchant delivered product).
In the case of "Upclick Delivered" (recommended), you will have to upload your installer file and provide your licensing type. If your product is an eBook or a software that doesn't require a registration key, choose "None" for the License Type.
If you do use a License key per customer, Upclick will supply unique download links to customers, tailored for each customer. Upload a list of predefined license keys, which will be consumed one by one and delivered to customers.
Alternatively, you can have a static License Key, which means that all your product customers will get the same key.
Notice: Upclick has reports on license keys availability and Notification Email Alerts that are triggered when the available un-consumed license keys are about to run out. For more information, refer to the Notification and Alerts section.
Advanced: We also offer the option for license delivery managed by the merchant. This is possible thanks to the Notification Services when the merchant is automatically notified on each transaction when Notifications are active.
In the case of "Merchant Delivered" (membership type): Upclick will generate a unique membership URL for each customer. This URL contains all the information the merchant needs in order to authenticate the client in his "members area". We supply documentation on the way you integrate this membership URL to comply with any system.
To Learn more about Product Delivery processes, please refer to the Product Delivery section.
Don't hesitate to Contact Us for further help. A Technical Support representative will be happy to assist you.