Getting Started
After having your registration completed and account activated, you may wonder how to start using and get most of your fresh new MERCHANT account.
The Upclick platform is in general very flexible. Nevertheless, the multitude of its options can be eventually confusing, especially for users who had never dealt with e-commerce concepts before. This may be even more confusing when trying to digest everything at once. For this reason Upclick offers adapted solutions for users with different level of experience so everyone can integrate our platform. Gradually, you will be able to move from a basic integration and discover all the secrets of making more money by using the optimization and customization tools offered by the platform. By using the right tools the platform supplies and maintaining a well-organized account you have all you need to succeed. The Upclick support team is also available for you on any issue you may have. We are determined to make your integration a smooth experience.
Before you feed the first product to the platform it is important to get to know your account options. Make sure to fill-in your Account Details and Payment Information, both available under "My Account" section. The other available options in this section are not mandatory for a basic product integration.
You are now ready to feed your first product to the system and generate your first Checkout link. Available options are explained on the different screens along the way.
Products are defined on the ‘Products’ page under ‘My Products’ section in the menu on the left.
To begin, navigate to ‘Products’ and click the ‘Add Product’ button, then follow the 3 steps on the screen and save.
Figure 1 - Add Product button on 'Manage Products' page
Here is what you need to know to complete these 3 steps:
Step 1 - Product Attributes:
- Make sure to upload a Product Logo. For performance and availability reasons Upclick stores this type of content in the cloud. The product logo is mandatory and it will appear in your checkout page, next to your product description and pricing;
- Your product name and description will be displayed on the checkout page and in the purchase confirmation email. If you promote in specific markets/languages you may write the description in the other languages available; The product description can be customized later by cart within the pricing models;
- It is always a good idea to provide us with as many Product Support Details possible, especially when it will be Upclick that provides customer service for your customers. Provide the Support Email and the Product Support URL in the optional settings;
- See details on how the optional product attributes may help you and provide them accordingly; you may find more details on the Product Definition section;

Step 2 – Product Price:
In most of the cases you might go for the flat option, which is a one-time charge for the customer purchase. You also have the option to use recurring and installment prices, which are advanced pricing strategies.
Upclick also supports billing in multiple currencies. When you define prices in USD, they are automatically translated into other currencies using live exchange rates from You have the possibility to manually override the price in each currency. Upclick checkout will display the local currency for all the customers based on their location detected automatically by checkout. If a client’s local currency is not supported in the system, USD is used by default as billing currency, but checkout will display the cart prices in the local currency, based on the daily exchange rate.
Figure 3: Add Product - Step 2 - Product Price
Step 3 – Product Delivery:
In this step you choose whether Upclick will deliver the final package to the user or will you deliver it yourself (merchant delivered product).
In the case of "Upclick Delivered" (recommended), you will have to upload your installer and provide your licensing type. If the your product is an eBook or a software that doesn't require a registration key, you need to choose "None" for the License Type.
Alternatively, you can have a static License Key, which means that all your product customers will get the same key. Upclick allows merchants to also upload a list of predefined license keys, which will be consumed one by one and delivered to customers. Upclick has Reports on the license keys availability and Notification Email Alerts that are triggered when the available un-consumed license keys are about to run out. For more information, refer to the Notification and Alerts section. For the 'List' type of licensing it's enough just to copy-paste in the "License Keys" section your keys, each of them separately on a new row. The structure of the license key is opened and you can use it at your discretion, by providing it in the format you need ( multiple keys in one if needed or Username & Password, for example).
For advanced users we also offer the option for license delivery managed by merchant, since the merchant is notified via our Notification Services on each transaction.